Artikel: Stieg-Larsson-Comics: Lisbeth, da bist du ja wieder!

Wie oft kann man die Beststeller-Krimis um “das Mädchen mit dem Drachentattoo” von Stieg Larsson eigentlich noch verkaufen?

Artikel: Eva Gabrielsson und das “Millennium”-Erbe

Hartnäckig hat sich nach dem Welterfolg der schwedischen “Millennium”-Trilogie das Gerücht gehalten, dass sie gar nicht vom 2004 gestorbenen Stieg Larsson geschrieben ist. Sondern zumindest in weiten Teilen von seiner Lebensgefährtin Eva Gabrielsson.

Rezension: Stieg Larsson: “The Expo Files”

Were it not for the phenomenal success of the Millennium trilogy, the series of thrillers featuring the dragon-tattooed Lisbeth Salander, it’s unlikely that Stieg Larsson’s journalism would have reached a broad audience.

Rezension: Stieg Larsson: “The Expo Files”

It’s a mystery as provocative as anything in “The Millennium Trilogy”: is there a fourth book by the author of “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”? How much more did Stieg Larsson write about the fascinating, sociopathic Lisbeth Salander before his life ended at the age of 50?

Artikel: Manchmal vögeln sie auch

Der skandinavische Kriminalroman ist in die manische Phase gewechselt. Unter den Ermittlern haben Workaholics die Luschen aus dem 20. Jahrhundert abgelöst.

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Filmkritik: Fincher/Larsson: »Verblendung«

Zu den drei Weltmarken aus Schweden Ikea, Volvo und Abba ist inzwischen ein weiterer Exportschlager gekommen: der Schwedenkrimi. Am Erfolg will nun auch Hollywood teilhaben und hat den ersten Teil von Larssons »Millennium«-Trilogie neu verfilmt.

Artikel: Why David Fincher Was the Perfect Director for »Dragon Tattoo«

The hallmarks of »Fight Club«, »The Social Network«, and other Fincher successes are in his fantastic new adaptation of Stieg Larsson’s novel.

Artikel: »The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo« fashion comes under fire

Fashion retailer H&M is experiencing a backlash against its much-anticipated line based on the grunge style of heroine Lisbeth Salander from Steig Larsson’s »millennium trilogy.«

Artikel: Larsson’s Partner Attacks »Girl With The Dragon Tattoo« movie Marketing

The longtime partner of late Swedish crime writer Stieg Larsson says he wouldn’t have approved of merchandise being linked to this week’s release of a Hollywood adaptation of his bestselling novel.

Filmrezension: »The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo«

There are of course remakes that work well and remakes that do not. One also sometimes wonders why they bother to make remakes. In the case of »The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo«, it is clear that some people will like it and some will not.

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Artikel: Comic-Adaption of »The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo«

Coming to a book store soon: »The Girl With The Thistle Tattoo«. Lisbeth Salander, the gothic heroine behind the best-selling novels of Stieg Larsson is to be given a literary makeover by Scottish crime writer Denise Mina.

Artikel: Lady thriller

She’s scary, skinny and dresses like a boy, but Lisbeth Salander, the female anti-hero of »The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo«, is a new style icon for the modern age. Played by Rooney Mara, she’s a Goth, bisexual, semi-autistic hacker with a serious vengeance fetish.

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Gespräch: Stieg Larsson’s partner Eva Gabrielsson on »Stieg and me«

»It’s odd to have to prove our life together existed.« Eva Gabrielsson and bestselling writer Stieg Larsson had always wanted to marry. But his sudden death didn’t just deprive her of her wedding day, it also plunged her into a nightmare of legal wrangling.