Rezensionen: Bauer, Conrad, Cookman, Harvey, Kelly, Leonard, Littell u. a.

Here are nine new reviews. This week’s new reviews: Michelle Peckham calls Belinda Bauer’s “Rubbernecker” “a great book”, Karen Meek reviewed Patrick Conrad’s “No Sale tr. Jonathan Lynn”, an unusual book which film buffs should particularly enjoy and others.

Rezension: John Harvey: “Good Bait”

The English novelist John Harvey’s 19th novel arrives with praise from two of America’s finest crime writers. “Crime fiction at its best,” says George Pelecanos. “A master of the craft” adds Michael Connelly.

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CrimeMag: Artikel und Rezensionen zur Kriminalliteratur

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Service: Crime round-up

The best recent thrillers to read: including new novels from George Pelecanos »What It Was« and Elmore Leonard »Raylan«. Furthermore »Good Bait« from John Harvey  Barbara Nadels »Dead of Night« and »The Flight« from Jenny Cooper.