Portrait: Ruth Rendell

The bestselling novelist Ruth Rendell walks across the large sitting-room of her house in Little Venice, west London, about to take her seat for the photo shoot, when she spots something on the mantelpiece that unsettles her.

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Portrait: Ruth Rendell

At the age of 83, with more than 70 books under her belt, she’d be forgiven if her thoughts were beginning to drift towards a gentle exit from the world of letters.

Rezensionen: Rendell, Penny, Perry, Arsenault

Marilyn Stasio on these new novels: “The St. Zita Society” by Ruth Rendell, “The Beautiful Mystery” by Louise Penny, “A Sunless Sea” by Anne Perry and “Miss Me When I’m Gone” by Emily Arsenault.

Rezension: Ruth Rendell: “The St. Zita Society”

“The St. Zita Society” is both a sex comedy and a social satire, of the “Upstairs Downstairs” variety, with a few murders mixed in for our added delight. St. Zita is the patron saint of domestic servants.

Porträt: Ruth Rendell

Some time ago, Ruth Rendell described herself as “an old lady who lives alone with two cats”, a statement nearly as absurd as saying that Alan Ayckbourn is a balding man who lives in Scarborough. Now she is an even older lady with one cat.

Kolumne: New in crime fiction

This time: »The Vault« by Ruth Rendell, »The Betrayal Of Trust« by Susan Hill, »Dead Last« by James W. Hall, »1222« by Anne Holt, »Bad Signs« by R.J. Ellory and »Jade Lady Burning« by Martin Limon.

CrimeMag: Artikel und Rezensionen zur Kriminalliteratur

Dieses Mal mit: »Im Visier« von Jacques Tardis, Ruth Rendell im Klassiker-Check, Carlos, leckeren Bloody Chops, dem »Handbuch für die gefährlichsten Orte der Welt« von Rosie Garthwaite und noch viel, viel, viel mehr.

Rezensionen: Crime: Blood in the Sand

Es werden dieses Mal besprochen: »Feast Day OF Fools« von James Lee Burke, »Ghost Hero« von S. J. Rozan, »The Vault« von Ruth Rendell und »The Burning Soul« von John Connolly.